I haven't given a Baby-Led Feeding update in a long time. I guess I just felt like until Holt could have dairy I was just repeating myself. So, now that he CAN have dairy (happy dance) and we are approaching toddler-hood (yes, he is so close to walking) I figure I should let you peek into Holt's eating habits.
This child loves to eat. You know how all the experts say "feed your baby until he stops eating; he will let you know when he's full"----yeahhhh, that doesn't apply to my child. Ha Ha.
Here is a typical eating day in Holt's world:
6:45-7:00AM 8 ounce sippy cup with formula (I switched to Enfagrow for now)
7:30 AM Breakfast---frozen waffle with applesauce or PB and ½ banana
8:30-9:00 AM Nap
11:00 AM Snack---puffs, sometimes ½ pouch or part of a banana or string cheese
12:00 PM Lunch----if we are at home, he will have some sort of leftovers from the fridge (bite size grilled chicken, avocado, chicken salad, pasta salad, veggies, hot dog, mac-n-cheese) and maybe a pouch. If we eat out he eats some of what is off my plate and then I always pack pouches and/or banana
12:30-1:00 PM Nap
3:00 PM Snack---same as earlier snack
5:00 PM Dinner---he typically has some of what I make us for dinner: salmon, veggies, chicken, spaghetti, enchiladas….nothing is off limits.
6:30 PM 8 ounce sippy cup with formula before bed
*He also drinks water from a sippy cup all day long. No juice*
He eats so well. I am so amazed that he literally will eat just about anything I put in front of him. The possibilities are endless--especially now that he can have dairy! Last weekend we had my family's annual reunion and he ate grilled chicken dipped in guacamole, cucumber, tomatoes, cheese, tortilla, beans, and a few more things I can't remember. He is truly a wonderful eater.
Now that he can have dairy, we have switched from Nutramigen formula to Enfagrow. I do plan to go ahead and switch him to whole milk, hopefully but the time he turns 11 months old next week. I feel like he gets wonderful nutrition from all the good food he eats and doesn't rely on formula near as much anymore. Plus, one of the main ingredients in formula is corn syrup solids---I don't want that to be in his little system! And as a bonus, it's a little easier on the check book ;)
I do still buy a little bit of baby food. Mostly I buy pouches from either Plum Organics or Earth's Best. They are a tad more expensive, but I feel like it's better quality. I try to buy the ones that mix fruits, veggies, grains, and/or yogurt so that he gets protein too. They are so handy and convenient! I also buy a couple of jars---the dinner ones like turkey and vegetables or ham and rice---to have in the case that I don't have a lunch or dinner ready and he's starving or we are on the road or something.
And of course I'll leave you with a snapshot of our little family :)
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