Thursday, January 30, 2014

12 Weeks

Today marks 12 weeks--only one more to go and we are in the 2nd trimester! Hallelujah! Today is also special because it's the last awful picture I will take in the rental. Hello moving weekend! Saturday, February 1st, we are moving into our new home and we are both so ready. The renovations are complete and they look FANTASTIC--it is a totally different house! I'll post a blog on that in the near future with before and after pics--it will blow your mind. I also told Daniel I'm not moving again for AT LEAST 3 years. Hopefully longer. In the 3 1/2 years we have been married, we have moved 4 times (including the one this week). FOUR. And the last 2 have been within a year! Yep. Done with the moving scene for a while. 

Anywho--moving on to this week's news. 

How far along: 12 weeks
Maternity clothes: Belly Band and one of my many pregnant friends is loaning me some maternity jeans (score!)
Stretch marks: Negatory
Sleep: This week, sleep has been kind of rough. But it has been due to the awful cold I have had since last weekend. And since I'm pregnant, I can't take any medicine, but thankfully I'm starting to feel better so let's hope it's on the way out and I can get back to my blissful slumber (for now).
Best moment this week: Making it to 12 weeks (Lame, I know. But this has not been a fun week)
Miss anything: This week, sleep and energy. Not sleeping well+moving= one exhausted preggo lady
Movement: Depressing to keep saying no, but one of these days I"ll get to say yes! 
Food cravings: I am off tacos (much to the happiness of my hubby) and I have moved on to Chick-fil-a Spicy Chicken Sandwiches. Chicken, you say? YES and it is DIVINE! Only the fried stuff--I still can't stomach the better-for-you baked or grilled. But, I've literally had 2 Spicy Sandwiches today (don't. judge.)
Food aversions: Raw meat. Baked or grilled chicken. Veggies. Sweets--although I might be feeling a little bit of the sweet tooth coming back. 
Have you started showing: We have a bump! You can see a little tiny beginning of one in the picture, but if you see me in church or on the street or something and don't know that I'm pregnant, you probably won't notice. 
Gender prediction: Nothing has changed--Daniel (and a lot of our friends) says boy, my family says girl, I am oblivious. 
Labor signs: Nada
Belly button in/out: In
Rings on/off: On
Happy or Moody: Probably moody for the most part this week--but I credit that to moving and all that that entails.
Looking forward to: Being in our new home and nesting!
Baby development: Baby has reflexes this week. Fingers open and close, toes curl, eye muscles clench, and his or her mouth makes sucking movements. We are also about 2 inches long and the size of a lime! 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

11 Weeks

11 weeks folks! Only 2 more until I enter the 2nd trimester--Hallelujah! Biggest news this week: we got to go to the doctor! For those of you who don't know, I was originally scheduled to see my new OB last Friday (I was 10 weeks). However, they called and said they had to reschedule but wouldn't be able to get me in until I was 12 weeks! (Needless to say, this pregnant momma was NOT happy). BUT the Lord answers prayer, because Tuesday afternoon they called and said they had a cancellation for Wednesday afternoon at 2:30! Woohoo! 

So, Daniel and I go yesterday and fill out all that paperwork and yada yada yada. I was so nervous, but I absolutely LOVE my OB! I never felt rushed, he made sure to answer any questions I had, and walked me through the next few appointments. PLUS he did an ultrasound so we got to see our sweet little baby! Little Baby Lowery is due August 14, 2014!
Profile shot--you can see its little hand up by its face!
Length view--head and fists on the left,  booty and little feet-sies on the right

Y'all , it was the COOLEST thing! When the doctor prodded my abdomen, the baby wiggled and moved it's little arms and legs! Plus, yesterday was kind of a significant day to get to see our baby because it was the 41st anniversary of Roe vs. Wade---what a miracle that we got to see our unborn child!  We didn't get to hear the heartbeat (sad), but we could see it beating on the screen, and my doctor said that all that moving around in there was a fantastic sign that it's growing and healthy. Yay!

Alright. Here we go! 

How far along: 11 weeks
Maternity clothes: Still rockin' the Belly Band! 
Stretch marks: Nada
Sleep: Still going strong! I still get up to pee about once every night but I go right back to sleep. And the past few nights I think I've started to have those weird pregnancy dreams everyone talks about (like Tom Brady coming to my house to watch football? I don't even like the guy! Weird.)
Best moment this week: Seeing my precious child's face! Y'all, it was such a surreal moment! 
Miss anything: My energy still! I need it back so I can exercise again!
Movement: Still too early, but it was so amazing to see it move on the ultrasound!
Food cravings: Still stuck on tacos! Yum!
Food aversions: Still the same--no chicken (unless maybe fried chicken from Chick-fil-A), no veggies really, no sweets, no coffee.
Have you started showing: A teeny tiny bit. It still looks like I ate too much, but I could definitely tell my waist started to thicken this week, and I have a tiny bulge that's trying to be a bump! (In the above picture, my shirt is a little big on me so it looks like I have a bigger bump than what is actually there).
Gender prediction: Still no clue! Daniel is still determined it's a boy and quite a few of our friends have said they think it's a boy. My mom and my grandmothers and most of my family still say girl. We get to find out at 20 weeks (and YES there will be a gender reveal party)! 
Labor signs: Nope
Belly button in/out: In
Rings on/off: On
Happy or Moody: I will admit I've had my moody moments this week--mostly due to the stress of remodeling the house and trying to get ready to move and dealing with contractors. 
Looking forward to: 2nd trimester and our next doctor appointment at 16 weeks
Baby development this week: Baby can hiccup now and is 1 1/2 inches long. It has tiny tooth buds that are starting to form under the gums and it's hands can open and close into fists. 

We feel so blessed to have so many people experiencing this journey with us and praying for our child! One of the Bible passages we have been praying over this baby is Psalms 121:

"I look up to the mountains--does my help come from there?
My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber.
Indeed, he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps.
The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade.
The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life.
The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever."

What a comforting passage to know that the Lord watches over this little one!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

10 Weeks

Anyone who knows me well knows I absolutely love fonts! I love to doodle and paint canvases and just draw words on paper or chalkboard or whatever. So, of course I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon and document my pregnancy with a chalkboard and fun fonts! *happy dance*

Also, sorry for the terrible quality of this picture. First of all, hubby accidentally didn't focus well (that's ok--all is forgiven) BUT we have absolutely AWFUL lighting in our current house. AWFUL. Like, no natural light at all. So you get all the nasty, unforgiving shadows. CANNOT WAIT to start taking pictures in our new house! Until then, we just have to deal with bad pictures. Oh well.

Definitely not a baby bump yet! I am pretty sure it's just bloating (one of those fun pregnancy symptoms) and probably the Taco Bell. (*side note: Can I just say how completely weird it is that Taco Bell sounds good? I don't think I've eaten there in at LEAST five years and now it's one of the only things that I want to eat. Any other pregnant moms feel me on that?)

Alright. Here we go.

How far along: 10 weeks
Maternity clothes: I am not currently wearing any maternity (although my mom and I totally bought some stuff at Motherhood last weekend), but my amazing friend is loaning me her Belly Band (which I am currently rocking) and it is pure bliss!
Stretch marks: Not yet (and hopefully never)
Sleep: That is currently all I want to do! It's still going pretty good at night, although I've had to get up to go the bathroom once the past few nights.
Best moment this week: Finally letting the secret out! It's been so fun to see everyone so excited for us!
Miss anything: My energy! And I STILL haven't been to the doctor yet (I need to hear the heartbeat people!)
Movement: Too early for that. But I can't WAIT for that!
Food cravings: Tacos ( I had at least one every single day last week. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. My poor husband)
Food aversions: I don't want any part of chicken whatsoever! I also don't really want any kind of vegetable (unless it's lettuce and tomato on a cheeseburger or a taco) and I absolutely do not want any sweets! Another weird aversion I have is coffee. I am usually all about my hot cup of yummy coffee in the morning, but I just haven't been feeling it. Thankfully I haven't suffered from any caffeine headaches.
Have you started showing: I think it just looks like I ate one too many tacos
Gender prediction: I have absolutely no idea. One minute I think girl and then the next I think boy. In the one dream I've had it's a girl and she had a thick head of auburn hair. Daniel thinks is determined it's a boy and most of my family says girl. Everyone I know right now is pregnant with girls, so I guess we will see!
Labor signs: Nope
Belly button in or out: In. But it will be interesting to see if it pops out at some point.
Rings on or off: On! It will be a very sad day if/when I have to take them off!
Happy or Moody: Maybe my husband should answer this! I feel like I'm happy most of the time. However, the feisty pregnancy hormones are definitely kicking in. And I cry ALL. THE. TIME.
Looking forward to: Second trimester! And feeling the baby move! And finding out if Baby Lowery is a boy or girl!
Baby development this week: Fingernails are forming and all vital organs are in place and starting to function! (Isn't that absolutely amazing?!)

Monday, January 13, 2014

Yep! We're Havin' a Baby!

The secret is out! I am currently 9 1/2 weeks pregnant with our first baby! :) 

To say we are excited would be an understatement! This happened a little earlier than planned, but God's timing is perfect and we just feel so blessed to be entrusted with this little life. 

To be honest, when I would think in my head about finding out I was pregnant, I had this whole scenario of tell Daniel in a super cool way and he would be in shock and then we would jump up and down together and I might even cry a little. Did it happen that way? NOT EVEN CLOSE! Ha!

We found out on December 6, 2013--the day the huge ice storm hit. I was a couple of days late, which was nothing out of the ordinary. However, Daniel told me I had been acting really weird and our dog, Sophie, had been acting strange towards me too. (The whole week prior she did not leave my side! And she cuddled with me whenever I was on the couch which, up until that point, she had never done). So I took one and we waited and waited--y'all those three minutes seem like forever! We went back there together to look, and at first glance, it looked just like one line. HOWEVER, upon a second (much closer) glance, you could see a real faint second line. 

"I think I'm pregnant."

"What? No, I think it's just one line."

"No. Look! I think there is a faint second line."

"Wow! You're pregnant babe! Congratulations!"

"I think maybe I should take another test just to be sure."

So, I took a second one, and it didn't take any time at all for both lines to appear! We were definitely pregnant! I started crying, Daniel was jumping up and down excited, and Sophie had no idea what was going on! WE ARE PREGNANT! 

After the news sunk in, we started brainstorming how to tell our parents. Both of my parents have birthdays in December, so we decided to make them a "birthday card." We went down to their house on December 22nd, gave them the card and made them read it out loud. (Daniel was video-ing the whole time). On the inside it said: "The best parents get promoted to GRANDPARENTS! Expected August 2014"

To say there were shocked is putting it mildly! My mom instantly started crying and my dad was hugging us and saying congratulations. It was SO fun to see their reactions! 

For Daniel's family, we went to their house on December 23rd for lunch and to open gifts. His parents as well as both brothers and sisters-in-law were there. It's nothing unusual for Daniel to pray before meals, so he asked his dad if he could do the honors. *side note: my sister-in-law, Kimberly, is also pregnant and is due June 5th* At the end of the prayer, he said: "...and please protect Kim's baby and Haley's baby as this new year approaches." Everyone's head shot up and they all screamed! Again, SO fun!

So now the secret is out and we are so happy to share our joyful news! I plan on doing "bump updates" like what you see on Pinterest so stay tuned!