Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy Father's Day

To my husband on Father's Day:

When I would daydream about my future as a little girl, I imagined I would have a husband that would be my knight in shining armor, sweeping me off my feet and riding off into the sunset with me, straight back home to our house full of children who would behave like little angels and we would be one big, happy family.

Obviously, fairy tales aren't real life, so that didn't happen. But what DID happen is I found a man who loves God more than me, who strives to do the right thing even when it's hard; a man of character and integrity and honor; a man who works hard to provide for his family; a man who treats his wife as an equal partner, respects her, loves her, and keeps her in line when needed (because we all know how bossy and sassy I can be); a man who loves his children FIERCELY and would do anything for them; a man who willingly got up with me for middle of the night diaper changes and feedings and fussy babies; a man who comes home from work and immediately runs to his children to wrestle and spend time with them; a man who realizes how important it is that I have breaks from the kids so I don't burn out; a man who makes me laugh; a man who puts up with my hormones even when they are flat out crazy (hello pregnancy and post-partum); a man I love more now than I did the day I married him.

I am so proud and honored to be your wife and to have you as the father to my children. Thank you for being you. And thank you for doing this whole parenting thing with me---you pretty much rock at it.

You're my person and I love you.

P.S. this year it just so happens your 30th BIRTHDAY is the same day as Father's Day. i'm excited to experience a new decade with you and celebrate you TWICE!

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