Monday, November 10, 2014

Holt: 3 Months

Quite a bit has transpired this month so forgive the super long post!

1) My mom, sister, and I took Holt to his first Razorback football game---and he did AWESOME! He loved to watch the band and see all the people and colors. Annndd then fell asleep and was KNOCKED OUT. The cannons being fired didn't even wake the kid up! It was really hot that day so we left at the end of halftime, but if it had been cooler he could've lasted the entire game! I'll be honest--I totally teared up daydreaming about the possibility of watching him run onto that football field one day.

2) Milk Allergy: We have determined that Holt has a milk allergy. Apparently, this is SUPER common in infants and they outgrow it by the time they turn 1 year (which made me feel better). As some of you know, we have been struggling since he was 6 weeks old with lots of gas and tummy pain and (TMI) his poop has been like slime. So, our pediatrician told us to try going dairy-free for a week and see if that changed anything. Well, I went kinda dairy-free. I mean, I didn't drink milk or eat cheese (so hard!) or yogurt or anything, but I still ate normal butter and didn't really pay attention to ingredients. So, as a result nothing really changed. So then, the doctor said lets try a hypoallergenic formula to determine if it truly is a milk allergy. I was not really excited because I want to breastfeed SO BAD, but we tried it for a week to try to flush out his little system. *side note---holy. cow. That stuff is EXPENSIVE!*

Well, it successfully flushed his little body because his poops were back to normal and he was back to his normal giggly, smile-y self! YAY! So, we get to try nursing again and I am on a STRICT no-dairy diet. I have a list of ingredients I have to look for in EVERYTHING I eat. I have to have a special kind of milk, butter, bread, chocolate... you name it! Plus, I can't eat beef. YEP--no burgers, no steak, no nothing! UGH. It's worth it though if it means I get to nurse the little one.

We are also speculating that he may have silent reflux. We will be talking to our pediatrician next week about our suspicions and see what he thinks and recommends.

SO, y'all keep praying for us that all of this works itself out and we can just move on from all this stress.  It has been a pretty rough month to say the least.

3) HUGE milestone this month: Daniel was a groomsman in one of our best friend's weddings (shout out to Kyle and Elizabeth) on November 2nd. This wedding just happened to take place in Miami, Florida! We thought (for about 2.5 seconds) about taking Holt with us and then decided that was crazy and would not make a fun or relaxing time for us. So, we left him with my parents for 5 WHOLE DAYS. Y'all---it was so hard but so good! This is the first time we have ever left him and I'll admit, I cried when we left. But it was such a sweet time for our marriage! Daniel and I got to have some wonderful quality time with each other and some of our best friends that we haven't had since Holt was born. Even with his tummy issues and digestive issues, he did great for my mom and dad and they kept him on our schedule and played and interacted with him and they had an absolute blast (although I'm sure they are thankful they don't have to get up in the middle of the night anymore :p)! I would HIGHLY recommend to new parents to get away for a couple of days early on--unless your baby has a serious medical issue or something that would make it impossible. Yes it is really hard to give up control of caring for your baby because no one can care for them as good as you, but it is so vital to your marriage to spend that sweet quality time with your spouse, letting them know that they are still the most important person in this world to you. Obligatory photos:

me and my handsome groomsman

the groom and his men

the gorgeous couple

Weight: 12.5 lbs (40ish percentile)
Height: 25 inches (90ish percentile) [p.s.I'm completely guessing here, but it feels like he has grown between 1/2 to 1 inch]

Milestones: *he has mastered rolling from tummy to back *kick, kick, kick…and kick some more *can reach for and grab objects and bring up to his mouth * can stand for several minutes [at this point we prefer standing over sitting] * holds his head up like a champ--almost there! *talks and coos and interacts with us more * he has found his fists and loves to try to stuff the whole thing in his mouth *his hair is growing back in and it's the exact same color! we think we might end up having an auburn-haired, hazel-eyed little boy!

Sleep: He has slept through the night a handful of times--praises! Hopefully next month I can report that he sleeps all night every night! He still takes three naps a day, although the past week or so he has been doing the "twilight sleep" thing. He wakes up about 30-45 minutes into his nap and then is just awake. Hopefully he outgrows that REAL soon.

Favorite Things: *Fans *Playing on the playmat--especially now that he can interact and reach at stuff hanging down *Talking and cooing *Cuddling and Snuggling *Music *Shower Time

Feeding: This has been a pretty big struggle this month just because of the milk allergy and everything. Hopefully we are able to get everything under control and back to normal. Although, I have been extremely thankful that he transitioned to a bottle and back to nursing absolutely fine.  We will just continue to pray for good results because I absolutely cherish our feeding sessions.

And now for the adorable pictures of my son:

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