Sunday, September 8, 2019
Baby Lowery #3: 23 Weeks
Quite a bit has happened since I last updated about a month ago.
The kids and I stayed with my parents the first week of August while Daniel was on a mission trip to Alaska. We celebrated Holt's 5th birthday with family and my parents took him on a surprise birthday trip to the Ark Encounter in Kentucky. They had a blast!
We all made it back home and had our 20 week ultrasound and doctor's appointment. We took the kids so they could see their new brother or sister. Everything checked out really good which we are so thankful for and no, we didn't even peek at the gender!
The next week, our A/C unit started having issues---with it being 115 degrees outside. One night we had a guy here fixing it until 10:30pm and then three days later it completely died. Absolutely no reviving it. I will say, it was 21 years old so we knew when we bought this house that we would be buying a new A/C unit at some point. Ugh. Adulting. We ended up staying with our best friends for four days (bless their sweet souls) while we tried to figure out which company and unit we should go with (way more complicated than we thought it would be by the way). We finally got our new unit installed and we were so thankful for cool air!
In the middle of the A/C saga, Holt started Pre-K at his new school, Grace Academy! Grace Academy operates as a classroom setting to help and come alongside homeschool families. They have classes Pre-K 3 all the way up to seniors in high school. They run a schedule of hosting school classes at Grace Academy on Tuesday and Thursday and then you homeschool the other days of the week. We are still undecided where we will put Holt for Kindergarten next year, but so far we have loved Grace Academy and his new teacher, Mrs. Chronister.
And now, Rhea Lana season is officially here and our life will be a little crazy for the next month or so. This will be my 4th event (crazy) and I am really excited about this one! We have had some changes happen since the Spring Event (due to the federal DC Circuit Court ruling back in June) which is adding a little more to my plate, but I think overall it's going to go really well!
How far along: 23 weeks
Sleep: I am still sleeping really well at night. Only having to get up for the bathroom occasionally and trying to soak that up since I know it's bound to change in the future.
food aversions: Not near as many! I'll actually drink a tiny bit of coffee now and food is actually starting to sound good
food cravings: Nothing super specific yet. At this point I'm just thankful that I'm actually getting hungry and food is starting to sound good. I usually have PB & banana toast or a protein bar for breakfast, usually a toasted ham & cheese sandwich (with extra pickles) for lunch and I'm doing better with cooking dinner again. I"m also loving dessert (and poptarts for a snack in the afternoon). I still just prefer to eat out at a restaurant, butttt since we just bought a new A/C unit, we are having to be pretty strict with the budget.
gender prediction: The last month or so I have really been thinking girl. But now I might be changing my mind again and thinking boy. haha! It's kind of comical because we truly have no idea. And when people ask us what we are having, we tell them we are going to be surprised, and the reactions are pretty funny!
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