Monday, July 1, 2019

Baby Lowery #3: 13 Weeks

Welcome to the second trimester! Yay!

Last week I started feeling a little better, but this week I'm feeling bad again. although, I'm trying to get off Diclegis now so I think that may have something to do with it. with my other two, I think it was week 14 before I could really tell a big difference. we will see! fingers crossed because we have plans with family this weekend and I would really like to feel better.

I went to see my doctor last Thursday (6/27) and I am praising God for a good report. I heard the heartbeat this time, although it took him probably a full 60 seconds before he found it. I was starting to get anxious, trying to breathe as he kept searching for it. FINALLY after what seemed like forever, we heard that sweet little sound. he told me he thinks baby is moving all over the place so that's why it took a minute to find it. another huge praise! I go back the week after we get back from the beach in July. my doctor is now the chief of staff at Mercy(he got promoted in the last year or two), so I really wasn't sure if he would keep me as a pregnancy patient or if he would pass me off to another OB in his practice (this was what we had discussed before my miscarriage). So far, he hasn't given any indication of passing me off and I'm continuing to pray for that. Not that I don't trust the other doctors in the practice, but Dr. Riche has been through two full-term pregnancies with me (and delivered both) plus my miscarriage and I just trust him wholeheartedly with this pregnancy even though I still get anxious.

Would you continue to pray with us for a healthy baby, healthy pregnancy, and healthy mama? On top of being a little anxious this pregnancy, this is also my first time to be a working mom (outside the home). I know God will give me the strength and time to accomplish what I need to, but I still worry about work/life balance and making sure everything gets done but that I also spend enough time with my family. Working on giving that to the Lord and trusting He already knows all of that and He has equipped me to handle it.

P.S. if you missed the story of our miscarriage, you can read it HERE

how far along:  13 weeks 1 day
maternity clothes: About 90% of the time
sleep: Still pretty good. I had a terrible time of insomnia last night for some reason and couldn't fall asleep until almost 2am. Thankfully that's an exception and not normal.
food aversions: Oh yeah. Still coffee and raw meat and most smells. Blah.
food cravings: anything sour. this week I picked up raspberry sorbet and it is HEAVEN. Still no major cravings, but cheeseburgers sit well. And obviously, Dr. Pepper.
started showing: oh yeah
gender prediction: Still think boy at this point.